Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Xbox One Improved

The Xbox One and Kinect

Congratulations Xbox fans and critics, for once in your life your anger actually had a positive effect rather than someone, typically a larger cooperate speaker, basically giving you the verbal middle finger from the safety of a closed off studio. You have done the impossible and made the Xbox One lose many of it's user containing features! Or Have you?

So first before I drop into my crazy idea here is what Microsoft has said from Xbox News.
Thank heavens, because I hide from people while playing campaign offline.
Good, Good.

With those being said, and Halo 5 set for next year the first thing through my mind was...

So now to the crazy.
Do you really think Microsoft would be so foolish of a business to do the equivalent of shooting itself in the foot at the largest conference in the video game world without a deviously devised plan which would launch them to a superior standing then their current hold?

Hear me out. The Xbox One was officially announced on May 21, 2013, where many controversial features were revealed. The fear felt by myself and many gamers was made only worse with E3 this past week. I figured Microsoft would grow a brain between the announcement and E3, but I was wrong as they stood by their decisions to sell us a console and games that though we were asked to purchase but would only partially be ours. I was infuriated, and vowed never to buy the Xbox One not even for my beloved Halo. I had even once considered attempting to get a job in the video game sectors, but after feeling betrayed I felt going into such a career that had anything to do with Microsoft was a crime. But look at me now, I'm crawling back and am now eyeing up the Xbox forsaking all of the rage I felt just one day ago.

But as I look back at Microsoft and as I think about my change of heart I can't help but find something that smells like week old dead fish.

Prior to the Xbox One announcement there had been leaks floating through the internet for months before May. Those leaks included the controversial decisions such as the restricted used games policy, and the always connected policy. At times the debate over whether this was truly an issue climaxed, and at other times it calmed.
If you remember back to the beginning of April the always on console rumor lit up a firestorm due to a Microsoft employees witty remarks about a console being always on and requiring a constant internet connection. It was such a huge out-lash against the company and employee that he resigned (so I read) and that Microsoft had to apologies to the community for his remarks. That must have gotten the companies attention.

The question is who leaked the information that the Xbox would be always on? and why? Wouldn't it make sense that if you are planning on incorporating a decently controversial idea with your new console that you would want feedback from the fans without release a floodgate of hatred and negativity like what happened at E3? The way you get feedback without making the company look bad is... leak your own information onto gaming forums and wait to see what the masses think.

From the beginning it seemed the masses were against this, rightfully so, and asked upon Microsoft to quell their fears. No answer was found creating paranoia in the minds of those who knew the downfalls of such specifications for a system. Then the announcement and E3 happened where Microsoft took a dive against PlayStation as PlayStation made remarks directly aimed at Microsoft as seen in this video: Used Games.

So one week later we find Microsoft announcing that they are revoking both the constant need for connection and the used game policy. Where after reading countless comments (which drastically improved my life just like youtube comments) it seems that fans are feeling appreciative of Microsoft for listening to their advice, and are now willing to buy the console since the company was so gracious. In the well fitting words of Admiral Ackbar: IT'S A TRAP.

Here goes the full blow conspiracy:
Microsoft knew from day one of releasing the leak that their ideas were unpopular since they had been browsing the internet and reading on forums what people thought, so when the time to announce their new system they decided to play upon the fear of the gamers and say their system would limit used games and need internet every 24 hours. They wanted to know how well the could do despite their controversial decisions, and despite the negative reaction. And they did surprisingly well, rising to the number one on Amazon. But everyone loves a company who loves their fans, so since that leak microsoft planned on playing it off as a mistake and that they had followed the hearts of the fans so as to get more money from your wallet. And by gosh it looks like it is working because I want an xbox now and so do many others.

Microsoft must have the greatest business team on earth because they are devious, oh so clever. But I caught you. But Halo 5 is making me look beyond this.

There is a chance I'm wrong, and in that case let's start an uproar about the price, I'd love to see that drop. So let's go people!