Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Xbox One

To be completely honest I missed the 1pm (est) announcement of the Xbox One, I had my hands full at that time.Well actually I was cleaning a toilet. Lots of toilets. I'm kind of like toilet boy at... toilet man at my workplace. But anyway, that's for another time.

Last night I had heard that the Xbox One would be released in two phases one now and second at E3 (I believe) so I wasn't expecting much. I was most certainly not expecting to see a console. But low and behold a console was shown, and I must admit I am thoroughly impressed with the aesthetics. I'm glad Microsoft didn't take the Sony approach by showing nothing at the first conference  and then a blurry black box in their trailer for the PS4 that came out yesterday.
 It appears they may have actually planned for over heating by incorporating large vents, but we'll see. There are so many connections on the back It's actually pretty nice to see. Especially the HDMI port I like that quite a bit.

So some of the specs that are pointed out are it has an 8-core x86 processor, the HDMI pass-thru, 8GB of Ram, and a 500GB Hard Drive. Oh and did I mention the Blue Ray player? (The first one I'd ever own, I like DVDs because I'm cheap and they work well enough for me).

It sounds like they may have made a sturdy machine capable of next gen games - whatever games those may be. I wish they would have shown multiple games so that we could check out the game-play and more importantly graphics. I really want to see these graphics (in multiple instances since each developer has their own style), but alas there was no major release on that.

But... in the darkness news arose that was trending on twitter almost all day meaning it was big news: A Halo TV Series directed by Steven Spielberg is set to release on the Xbox One (how is it a TV series then?) If you read my Halo 4 Review then you know that I am a die hard fan of Halo. I own and had read every book, played every game for days and days. Yeah, so this TV series is a terrifying topic for me. Forward Unto Dawn was enough of a terror. I thought overall it was good, I liked the story and some of the scenes were comparable to high quality acting, but others were greatly lacking. They got lucky with that one, but two times? Probably not. I will watch it, but I seriously doubt it's going to make sense to the rest of the Halo Universe. But anyway.

I'm sure many of you were talking about the "always on" rumor for this new xbox. I've been actively attempting to find out if this would be true in the past few months, and with no luck in sight I decided to wait like every other person on this planet. It doesn't help the Microsoft let those rumors run rampant for months before quietly addressing them online today. And what was there response? The worst kind of response possible, next to no response:

So it very clearly states No it does not have to always be connected. Whew dodged a bullet, I thought we were going to have to worry about the internet when playing games, guess not... Hey wait what does that next sentence say? BUT....But what? "But Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet" So it does not have to be always connect, but you have to have internet connection. If we're talking about multiplayer that is fine. I mean that's how it basically works now unless you are at a LAN party. But what does that mean if it is not connected? It does end in reassuring us that they have a system if we lose our connection.

So judging by the wording and through assumptions it seems that in order to start using the console you must have a stable internet connection, and do whatever it is that they have you do before you are secured to "lose" connection. And lose obviously (oh lord I sound like a CNN reported) implies that we can only have a no connection for an undefined period of time before the gates of Hades open allowing all of the evils of hundreds of wasted dollars on this Xbox One as it goes from home entertainment to a brick.

 In fact you know what I did? I stole an Xbox One and tested it out to see how it ran with Bioshock Infinite. The internet in my house is near caveman, and has troubles steaming a standard edition movie, so you can understand my concern. Well I fired up the Xbox One with bioshock only to find out it would do absolutely nothing. It was truly a brick.

So I fought with the internet monster to give me more power (that's actually how it works) and wallah the internet worked excellently. I fired up the One and put in Bioshock infinite only to find out that it too was a prettier block of crap.

Why did this not work you may ask? Well this leads me to my final comment about this information release:

That's why the Xbox One in it's glory cannot even play the Xbox 360 games You know, the ones you spent seven-ish years on? The one you have invested countless hours and money into? Yeah none of those games are going to work for this new console.
I do get it, it's a future looking console, not a past dwelling one. But if you're expecting me to shell out money on a new product with a weak beginning game line up, then you'd better think again. Unlike every other console this has no huge blockbusters that I'm aware of that are being released essentially along side of it. Especially since they are bundling the Xbox One with the Kinect for all consoles. We know that is just going to drive the price up for a couple of cheap tricks that will never be used by me or a majority of people I know. Rather than stealing my money, why not work to help out the gamers that have backed your business all of these years?  Because one day you're going to be broke and begging for money, Mircosoft. Probably not any day soon, but as sure as the turn of the worlds you will lose your support. And when you do, remember the people who stood behind you that you ended up screwing over in the name of money. Remember us.

I guess for now I'll just wait and see if Mircosoft can salvage the damage it has done to my loyalty. But for now I'll stick to shooting up people on Halo because I love 343 industries.

I found a use for The One..

So which will you choose? Bird? Or Cage?

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