Monday, June 18, 2012

Dead Llamas to Be

Greetings humanity, I have come from the shadows to give you light. But in this metaphor, light is not light. But in the inadequacies of our translation matrix of my brain to yours is quite horrifying, much the same to the level of a whale falling upon your face within five seconds of your sudden leap from bed. At least it was short lived. But then again, it is the same level of horridity (coined term of mine, look it up)that leads us to this one simple fact. But as all stories with no point, and a vomit worthy approach... flashback. It all started back in 2nd grade. I sat there observing my surroundings in deep though of, how stupid can they be? I was watching a group of less than developed fish, jump from the water to catch bugs and they landed on a Peninsula, nearly killing them. Watching the fish scream for breath moved something in me. My eyes. No literally, they moved to look at the stupid fish. It ended up following that childhood annoyance of mine, Peppy and it did a barrel-rolled back into the cold water, where it was later pulled out and killed for food. But the real angering moment was when it was sitting on the bank screaming "help me fox help me!" Now I really didn't hear it say that, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you so get of my back. This brings us to 7th grade. It was a stupid year. You're welcome. RANT: So when everyone rights "your welcome" it is not grammatically correct, but no one ever does jack-squat about that. So which is it? I know I'm right, but society says "your welcome" not you're welcome. I guess I'm a you're welcome hipster, much like my cat. She eats anything, she's a food hipster. And I'm a miss-use of word hipster. A Conclusion of lost hopes and dreams. I just ate a bunch of rice at once, and it trapped an air bubble, and as it travels down my food-pipe it feels like TNT blowing up your face. Ask Two face how he got his scars, he will scar you for life. There once was a piece of dirt. He was among a group of pretty sand. He wished that one day that he could become like them, so that he would not have to be so alone but in reality it was impossible. He knew this deep down, but suppressed it in order to have some glimmer of hope on the long lost horizon. This piece of dirt was with the sand, but was not ever truly one of them. He loved being with them, but it pained him to see that the life he wanted was not the life he could ever had. The piece of dirt one day packed up camp and left, for he could not bear the sorrow of his inadequacies. He soon learned that choice was the worst he had ever made, but it was the only one he knew how to do. Eventually the sand pulled him back into their group, and into their species but it could not fix the gap between them. The piece of dirt sat their as the sand slowly eroded away. The dirt remained unchanged, static, as the world around him took new form. And the piece of dirt, once again felt very alone. Then a bird crapped on it. If that made sense then this is how I see you: Hold onto the moments of your present, they are ever fleeting, but they are worth the memory. Don't be the piece of dirt, it only hurts you in the end. You are what you make yourself to be. Be Great. Unexpected, I think so? Dude, I pet a rabbit today that was in my yard, I think it was love. Then I ate it. Not really. But did I? Don't dig holes in dirt, it ends up being more work than you think, true story bro. Farwell, until the next time, - John Elias, SJH

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