Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Future Ever so Fleeting Part 1

I have come to the point where I can not ignore the eyes upon my watch.---------- As I find it both amusing in a sick fashion as well as an important insight for future reference by both me and you. Yes you the reader who has found your way into my story. A story that is dictated by perception for as we all know, and as you know best, perception is relative. Just as the frame of reference is relative to the observer and what they are referencing, my story is in my hands and is in my control. As we look back at our history it is controlled mostly by the victor, as time progresses the actualities become fantasies of those on high that would use it for the manipulative purpose to gain and receive power. ----------I will initiate these papers by stating the purpose. It has always been a wonder to what those of great action and of great heroism have thought as they progressed forward in time. So as for those who wish to know who I am (as dictated by me, but isn’t that how it always is for each of us?) I will tell you about my thought process as it progresses into what you know it as. ---------- My first statement I will address is about you. Hello again. I have know that this would end up in your hands. I knew you would want to know who I am, and so this is for you, but it comes at a cost. The heroic stand to save the planet that is still ahead of me, the time of the fall and of the voices seems to be so noble. It makes me seems more than a man, it makes me into a hero, does it not? I do not say that with pride or with arrogance. People need hero’s with the inferiority complex they carry, and they have found one in me. Funny to think anyone could see me as anything more than scum or a lost cause. That is how many see me now. But enough of me for now, and back to the topic. The act I know nothing of, but I feel it in me that time is running out. It is flowing faster than I thought, and I find myself with the feeling of destiny on my back. A weight that is present, but a weight I can bare. I do know how it will end, but how will it all begin? -------- Now to get back to the cost that is now put to you. The knowledge you will gain if you continue will bring me from the status of hero to that of average man. Though I believe that this is the most reasonable and personal favorable way, I must admit people need a hero. So now, with this knowledge if you choose to continue I am passing the burden of choosing on to you. A burden that will burn in your mind as it did with mine. It is a sick choice and an evil one at that, that I am giving you a burden I could not handle, I am sorry for that. -------- Some would ask, why at this point in my life am I devoted to the future where my time runs out? Because I know that despite the fact that the end, will be the end of my time I will be saving everyone. No one will be lost, for it is not of acts of evil that are the base of heroism, it is the acts of loyalty, the acts of devotion to ones whole race where none are lost. Some would also ask, why would I going willingly to the drop of the last sand grains, when at this point of time I am considered nothing or a lost cause? The answer is simple: humans. Humans are a wonderful, creative and blessed race. We are the chosen inheritors. Why would I not put all I possibly could into saving every last one of you? Though I may be persecuted for who I am, I do not lose sight in the fact that all are important. Through my travels through time, and space I have seen it. One life has the potential to shift history, therefore that is proof that each life is important. How do I know about my travels, (only in slight detail)? I do not know, but my time to begin I believe is drawing near. The time I save the planet. The day my time runs out. -------- So now I leave you for now, but it will not be a break for you since my words are already written. I sit here sick tired, and so very lost, and broken. I am in ashes, but I will rise, much like the Phoenix of old. Good Day, I shall speak at around 10pm, the start of a war.

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