Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Things You Should Not Do

To begin, I find myself behind on the social scale, but I am quickly pulling ahead. This was not always the case. But no matter how high on the social ladder I climb, I still act in rather unintelligent ways.
The Fire That Almost Happened
In my infinitely clever mind I decided to reenact the flaming helmet of Halo. To explain, in the video game Halo you can buy an armor upgrade that makes your helmet appear to be in flames. It was something only the Bungie Staff had for the longest time, and was something very sought after. I decided I wanted to have a living flaming helmet, so I took my Master Chief action figure and placed it in a metal box that I had made in 6th grade. I filled the metal box with water, and to my delight it was water tight. I placed the box and figure on a table in the middle of my living room, next to a chair and above a carpet. Sounds like a good idea so far right? Well I thought so. My next course of action was to obtain the fire that would make the helmet on fire. I knew that if you used rubbing alcohol then the fire would burn only the alcohol not the action figure. Well I attempted that and it worked for a while, until the water in the bottom of the box became overly diluted with alcohol. That's when trouble hit. My wonderful idea ended like this. My last time I decided to light it, the I put the match to the head of the figure. The fire, unlike previous times, followed down the side of the figure and hit the water resulting in a burst of flames. In that instant my brain fried, and I forgot the simple fact that alcohol + water just makes more fire. But I grabbed a glass of water anyways and threw it on the fire, only to have flames shoot out in every direction. They landed on the chair and carpet. Luckily no one was home and no one saw the rather intelligent move I had made. The fire eventually went out on it's own, but not after catching the table on fire. That was the day fire took its revenge upon me for all the times it worked.

 Don't Start a Conversation With A Guess

The days before College would start, I found myself in an advising day class. It was 3 hours long, 3 hours of pure agony as they told us everything we knew. Being a local, it was probably not necessary for me to attend the meeting, but seeing how it was practically mandatory I went anyways. In the meeting they had a Senior from the college who looked very similarly to Amy Pond from Doctor Who. I had to know if that person was Scottish because of my dislike to be wrong, and a bet with a fellow friend. Well it turns out she wasn't which plunged me into the most awkward situation I had endured in a while. So when talking to strangers start with something you can control, otherwise you'll look like an idiot.

Electricity It's Shocking...

I have countless stories of electricity, but I'll just share a few short ones.
1. Being in the mindset that you want to know how things work by looking there parts only goes so far. At one point I was taking apart a camera in order to see if I could convert the lens back into a camera mount. While opening it up, I came across a funny looking black cylinder. It was a bit larger than a battery but seemed to be the same shape as one. Being the inquisitive, yet dull mind of mine I decided to grab this unidentified object. Within the second of my finger contacting it a strong amount of pain surged up my arm. The black battery-looking object was the capacitor that is used for the flash, and boy does that that hurt.
2. This is a short one but is rewarding if you find humor. So the basement of my parents house was being renovated, and was going to be new and improved. A joke in reality, but that's a different story. So the walls had come down, and the wires were all exposed, but wrapped neatly and safely. Well that is to say, all the wires but the light switch, which had no cover on it, and the wires were exposed to the room. On my way down one morning I reached over to flick on the lights so that I could wash my laundry. To my dismay my hand missed the switch and went right into the wires for a full few seconds. My arm did not like the flow of energy as it began to twitch. Needless to say that annoying light switch cover, is your friend.

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