Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kittens and Death Metal

To be determined
No, the title isn't about the content at all, but really when do titles correctly summarize the written piece? The answer would be all the time. I just pulled you in to this, like my cat listening to death metal while on cat nip. Step aside Alice, Patches is the new girl in wonderland, oh wait no that's just the drugs you were on.
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey.

Let's talk about something that is on our mind. Spongegod fatpants and Patrick Stud. Or rather Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star. Do they not horrify you? Up until a few months ago, I would definitely have said that Yellow Brick and Pink Star had switched teams, hopped the fence, you know. (Not that I'm saying that the rainbow flag is wrong, because then I'd get burned at the stake like the snake dancers (protestants), by the Catholics of old ba-da-chhh, can't get me now I just offended everyone, so take that nobody can say I was singling them out for their beliefs or preferences, so sucks). Anyway, now to continue not being politically correct, you hypocritical government.
Heart melting tear, oh the beauty.
Anyways. Yeah so I thought Yellow Brick and Pink Star had changed Jerseys, and were now rooting for another team. I mean after they raise a baby clam Pink Star proclaims "Let's have another" well Star, I hope that you're the bearer of that child. The implication is so odd that you have to question it. Not to mention that when they are dying under the light, their tears for a heart as the go ever so loudly and painfully into the night. I mean, whoa ladies and gentlemen, that right there is pulling off a better love story than twilight, (though the 3rd movie was drastically better than the first 2). But instead of Bella-Jacob-Edward triangle of love, there is no fist breaking on anyone's abs. You just have a pathetically awkward moment when two men are crying to form a tear. But as we soon find out, the water comes on and they are save, which also in turn saves them from the awkward moment where the two might be sitting in a tent in the freezing cool, and one stating "I'm hotter than you" no well save that for some other film.
But in recent years Bromance has blossomed into the uncomfortably close cousin of the rainbow parade. I now realize they might not have switched Jerseys, they just might have been following after it like the CHOCOLATTTEEEE man from that one episode, if Yellow Brick and Pink Star represented the rainbow crowd. They are cousins, that meet on many occasions, but just enough not to be the same. That's what they have, a Bromance. So wave your Bromance flags Yellow Brick and Pink Star, because I figured you out. Now what were they really doing in that box on the corner of the road? (drugs? I don't know) and Why did Squidward want in on it so badly?
There is one thing you have to remember, even though it is only a bromance, I'm still fairly sure that Patrick would go all Edward if he thought Brick was dead. I mean he'd probably pull of his shirt with his painted on abs, while he is about the stand in front of crowds. Only instead of sparkling in the light, he's block out the sun and everyone would die. That's how intense their bro-macing is, just like camping. You see Brick and Star really have what everyone wants, kittens listening to death metal and the ability to control their tears after death.

Sponge Bob + Patrick Fo'eva! (BROMANCE) Coming to a theater near you. There I did it.

Don't blink...

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