Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tea, The Tenth Doctor Knew Where it Was At

"Tea! That's all I needed! Good cup of tea! Super-heated infusion of free-radicals and tannins, just the thing for healing the synapses."

In the constant battle of Tea vs. Coffee, I guess I should put in my pocket of change (better than two cents, eh?)
See What I did there?
Though I do enjoy the occasional cup of coffee, it just doesn't make the day great. For starters I know many people that drink it for the sole purpose of the caffeine boost. When I drink coffee no such thing happens. Instead, I get a bad after taste and my temperature increases drastically. Yeah that's what happens it just gives me fever like symptoms that's where all the energy goes, no boost of hyper-ness nope none, but that's probably a good thing for those who know me. To continue the flow of references, my insanity is comparable to the 11th Doctor, or just as crazy as a madman with a box. Because I have a box. Yes, got it now I'm going to go to a park and sit on a bench while holding a box and act crazy, then I'll literally be a madman with a box. I'm cool I know, I can tell.

Back to the war, not the Time War, but the war of Tea vs. Coffee. Now to turn to tea.

Tea is superior in every way. It tastes better, as a wide range of flavors, and doesn't make me feel sick. Plus it doesn't require sugar, but does work well with it. Also tea is calming, it doesn't give you those attacks of energy.

But yeah, did I tell you about the time I woke up staring at a wall?
Which reminds me of the time that I dropped molten metal on my leg. You see it all started in Chemistry class in 11th grade (way back when). My teacher showed us how to make the Zinc go all intense, and turn golden color with (I believe) oxidation. But then I got the funny idea to take it to the next level. At my house, I started making penny like object become reduced to shiny piles of metal, because they looked cooler, and it was amusing. I honesty forget why I was doing it, but I was. I used a blowtorch to melt the metal, and then let it drop into a container of cold water so that it would cool and solidify on impact. Well one Saturday morning I went outside at 6am, to melt the penny like objects. It was cool, and the sun was barely risen. I was really tired since I had retired for bed at 3am the following night. Needless to say, I was less than careful. As I held one penny like object above the water container, it began to bubble so I quickly moved it in an attempt to lower it into the water. Instead the liquid metal flew down onto my jeans, burning through them instantaneously, and melting into my skin. It was horrible. My fault. Who the heck wakes up on a weakened to burn things? Besides fire-kittens of the ocean. They love fire, lots of fire.
Yeah, then one day I woke up staring at a wall. You're welcome humanity. 

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